Tag: java
All the articles with the tag "java".
Week #13: Playing Blackjack with Machine Learning
Published:A (very dumb) probability model deciding whether you should draw another card or not to win at Blackjack.
Week #10 extends Week #9
Published:It has been almost a month since the last blog post. School requires a lot of my time so I haven't been playing around starting from December 20. Now that I finished all of my school projects (and I'm getting ready for the exams season) I think it is better to write a blog post about what I've been doing lately.
Week #9: Java, Node.js and Android
Published:For the last 2-3 weeks I've been working with Node.js and Java. The projects are still work-in-progress, but I feel obliged to write the blog post and describe what I've been working on.
Week #6: An IRC-like Application in Java
Published:As a challenge, I built a client-server application that allows multiple clients to communicate with each others using java Threads and Sockets
Using Gradle for Build Automation
Published:Makefiles might be good enough for C/C++ projects, but no Java developer is using them. In this blogpost, I'm going to show you the basics of Gradle usage.
Building a Slot Game in Java
Published:The gambler's worst nightmare, a Slot machine where you can't win.