All the articles I've posted.
Computers can't store numbers
Published:Knowing a bit of math, and some set theory, and knowing how computers store numbers, I'm making this bold statement: Computers can't store most numbers. And by
The Apple Farm Parable: Understanding Monitoring and Observability
Published:In informal Albanian slang there's a saying. Whenever you want someone to explain a topic in the most simplistic terms, you ask them to "explain it using apples". We had a similar case in my Software Engineering class at UNYT last week, where students didn't totally comprehend the difference between monitoring and observability, not knowing where one ends and where the other begins. So as a good storyteller, if I do say so myself, I came up with the following parable.
The experiment that was RLFO
Published:If you've followed me for a while, which most likely is the reason why you're reading this, you are familiar with my RLFO newsletter. If not, RLFO (Ralph-o) was my Random Links Found Online newsletter; a newsletter on software and engineering and everything related to it, comprised of articles I found during my usual online scrolling on different platforms, read, and considered interesting enough to share with others.
Deploying Go with Kamal via GitHub Actions
Published:Deployments, the last mile of delivering software projects. It's not surprising most developers don't know how to do deployments, let alone do them properly. It used to be a simple "FTP the files to the server" process, but now there are a lot of moving parts, especially if you're working with a modern stack. Docker is supposed to be a simple way to package & run apps, and Kubernetes is supposed to be a simple way to and manage them once the packaged apps reach the server. But it's not that simple, is it? Even if you go the LeMuR way, it's still not that simple.
Iterators VS Generators: Go's latest YAGNI feature
Published:A better example for Go's Iterators than what you've seen in the internet, and a comparison with the Generator Pattern
LeMuR: a way to "ship your machine to customers"
Published:When someone says "It works on my machine", the consensus achieved by the Internet Hive Mind is to reply with "we won't ship your machine to the client"... Ugh, computer nerds think they have a sense of humor. I am here to tell you that yes, we can ship your machine to the client. We've had that technology for years! And no, I'm not talking about containers, this tech is even older!