
Bulding my first website with HTML and CSS

Yesterday I finished a short course at Learnable titled "Build Your First Website: HTML & CSS". I wasn't a complete noob on HTML and CSS but my CSS skills were not good. I had to check StackOverflow for any simple line of CSS. So I started the course at Learnable, hoping it would be the last "Beginner CSS" course.

What I liked most about this course was its practicality: you would have to build a website just like this one. I learned a lot of stuff during that course. I finally learned why people use meta tags on HTML and why this piece of code is everwhere:

<!-- [if il IE 9]>
  <script src="assets/js/html5.js"></script>
  <script src="assets/js/respond.js"></script>

Also I learned what SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) says about categorizing CSS rules in five different categories:

  • Base - base.css is used for the default, base rules of CSS.
  • Layout - layout.css is used to divide the view into sections, such as rows and/or columns.
  • Modules - modules.css holds the CSS for the modules of the view, such as features of a product, social media links, etc.
  • State - state.css defines how the modules or layouts will look when in a particular state.
  • Theme - theme.css defines how modules or layouts might look

Though, only 3 of them were used in this course: Base, Layout and Modules. Also, there is a 4th CSS file, called normalize.css. Normalize.css makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing.

Another nice thing I learned was the usage of CSS sprites - merging some images into only one file, like this. I have heard of them before, I was aware of their existence, but this was the first time I used them. Even though merging some of your images into a single image file results in a file size bigger than the sum of the sizes of smaller images, it also results in less HTTP requests to download the images, thus in a webpage that loads faster.

In general, it was fun learning CSS through this course. I can’t say that I’m a CSS master now. I know more than before, but I still qualify myself as a CSS noob. Thankfully, I pushed the code on my GitHub account so I can later use it as a reference, a very helpful one for me. I am now waiting for the next course, “Build Your First Website: JavaScript”. I hope not to forget what I learned about CSS until then.

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